Blog Archive

Join My Team

I would be honored for you to join me as a partner in this unique ministry!  I am seeking a team of individuals who will encourage me through financial support and prayer partnerships.  Please consider how you will support me as I pursue this call to love and teach the students in La Paz.

Financial Support
As a teacher at HIS, the school will offer me a small, livable salary. As a missionary, I will need to raise support to cover additional financial expenses.  
  • One-Time Gift:  A one-time donation to this ministry will allow me to purchase items needed in Bolivia, especially as I prepare my classroom and transition to my apartment. 
  • Monthly Living:  A monthly pledge will allow me to build a savings for plane tickets home and back, as well as travelling within Bolivia. 

To donate online:
Go to: Donate Now (bottom of page)
Destination: Missionary Support
Comments: Type “Project #

Prayer Warriors  
Please consider praying for my mission in La Paz:
  • Continued financial support and prayer partnership.
  • Burdened to share Christ's love with my students, colleagues, and neighbors.
  • An increasing awareness of His all-consuming love for me. 

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