Blog Archive

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bolivia Day

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. ~ 1 Corinth. 1:18

Bolivia is one of the poorest countries on this continent. Nearly two-thirds of its people, many of whom are subsistence farmers, live in poverty. In spite of this, it has perhaps the richest and most celebrated cultural heritage of any other nation in South America. This juxtaposition is tied by a single factor: the great population of Amerindians, including the Aymara, Quechua, Chiquitano, and Guarani tribes, four of the largest indigenous ethnic groups in this country. While the majority of South America has become increasingly Westernized, these Bolivian people-groups have been able to preserve their traditions in a twenty-first century world. Their languages, dress, music, dance, and art are now woven into the Bolivian identity.    

On April 20, Highlands celebrated this unique cultural heritage with its long-awaited Bolivia Day festival. Preparation for this day begins months in advance, with a school committee organizing performances, food vendors, volunteers, and costumes. Students spend time during their Bolivian Social Studies and Spanish classes to memorize dance steps and song lyrics. Even the teachers work hard at after-school rehearsals to learn a traditional dance. (Which was so much fun, and reminded me of the musical season in high school and the show choir season in college. I guess I can't escape.)

A few of my darling fifth grade girls

My roommates and I - we coordinate so well!

On the day of, with an enormous red, yellow, and green flag as the backdrop, every class performs a traditional dance or song. Families gather around the outdoor stage, with hundreds of cameras at the ready, capturing images of their own indigenous history. This year we even had a group of parents that performed as well!  

Pre-Kindergarten Dance

Kindergarten Dance

First Grade Dance

Second & Third Grade Dance

Yes, the boys are carrying pickaxes. So scary!

Fourth Grade Flutes & Dance

My Fifth Graders! They were awesome!

Parents Dance

Sixth Grade Dance

Seventh Grade Dance

Eighth Grade Dance

High School Dance

Faculty Dance

I hope you enjoyed a little taste of Bolivian culture! Many thanks to those who have been praying for a smooth transition these past few months. God has been so faithful with this community.
It's hard to believe that I'll be back in the States in almost 4 weeks! Hasta luego, friends :)

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